Part 172: Zil Padon NPC Chatter 8
Welcome back!
Thankfully, much like last time, a lot of the Zil Padon NPCs just repeat an earlier line, so this shouldn't be so bad.

: When you buy one of these back-scratchers, you get 30 of these baby back-scratchers with it.
Huh. That one... is not entirely a scam. Good job!

: Yes? What is it?

: Oh, well here's a dish. I have all kinds of work for a beautiful lady. Consider this. From a waitress to a sales lady, from a nurse to a sign board girl, from a homemaking teacher to a bunny.

: That sounds really interesting. That is work. Shall we try it?

: Hey, Liete! That's not the kind of thing we do, is it?

: That is why, we appear to have different values than you barbarians. No need for more talk than this.

: I'm sick of putting up with you guys!
Well, not everything is peachy.

: A great downpour comes all at once, the Mogay do not waste that rain. When the rain begins to fall, they rejoice, and the entire tribe does laundry. They go that extreme because they see importance in everything.

I dunno, if I lived in the desert, I'd get pretty excited about free water, too.

Wait, did you say that it seldom rains?

Ha! I thought it was the ruins that smelled all musty and moldy!

: What? Are you saying we can't just say hello?

: ... ... Whatever. ... ... Bye now....
Oh, Fish Guy.

: a line up from the unbelievably hot to extraordinarily hot spice. How about it, my customers?

: Leave me alone. When it's this hot I get fuzzy in the head.

: Ho ho. When the weather's hot, hot spices are just the ticket.

: Above all, shouldn't you first drop the baby talk?

: I will become a splendid merchant right away in order to grow up and surprise Papa and Mama.

: A while ago the power stopped working. I can perceive this strange sensation. It would be good if this presentiment were wrong, but unfortunately, my divination has left and I can do it no more. Hmm... I hope nothing will happen, but I wonder what will happen next? I should get a fortune told.
Sadly, Liete doesn't get a chance to drop some sick burns here.

: I'm sorry, but reservations for today are booked up.

: What a great feeling. I don't like going home. Actually, I fight with my family and it's hard to return home. I don't want to see my mother's face.
Huh. Hey, speaking of families, let's see how the brothers upstairs are doing.

: I'm sorry, but I can't go there and eat with my brother. It may look like I owe him, but

We know, we know, you're responsible for him getting married to his wife.

Seriously, dude, your brother at least has a different reason each time for why you should be grateful to him.

: It would be best if my brother was a little patient and went to the cafeteria to eat. I don't like going to the cafeteria to eat with those people. Why do you think they have room service? I made my brother study when he was small. You cannot ignore that. That would stink of ingratitude!

: We're all Alqada, why do we appear so different? My husband just loves massages.
He also has nothing new to say. Back downstairs we go!
Liete doesn't actually touch her food. She just drinks whatever's in her cup through a straw.
... Huh. I just realized that the silverware left on the table reflects what the characters are actually using. Even if Justin's knife is floating off the side of the table a bit.

: Recently, all I think about is the old days. Ah, that was a good time.

: Yes. It doesn't mean that I no longer like adventures, or that it's no fun being with everyone.

: Still, all those things that happened. Truly there was so much.

: I'm sorry, Justin. I'm saying such strange things.

: Recently, I went to that cafe. The food I ate at that time, was not that hot. I thought Zil Padon food was hot, but that food wasn't hot.

: Well, food is something best eaten. I guess I don't have much sense of taste.
Honestly, as much as I complain about having to go around and talk to everyone at absolutely every possible time, there really is a lot of amusing dialog that you'll never see if you just go and do what the game tells you to.

: Say, Liete? Was this Zil Padon a celestial city just like Alent?

: So it was, Justin. Formerly, this town also existed in the sky.

: It had a different role than Alent. The Zil Padon temple was floating in the sky.

: Really, Liete? This city fell like us?

: Well, it did OK!

: In olden days, buildings were sturdy.

: Not many things broke.

: Not many.
Before we head into the Rafane and Mogay sections, which have more new text, let's go visit our pal back in Cafu.

: I am Liete of Alent, still remembered as the home of the lost Angelou civilization. I sustain the memories.

: Huh? What? Memories? Alent? What's all that about?

: You wish to know many answers? To find so many answers, you must travel very far, toward Alent.

: It is too bad that no one here has a Spirit Stone.

: A distant land? Alent? Huh? You mean, I have to go on a trip?

: You look like you're gonna cry, Nicky! How shameful! And to think you're my best kid!
It's amazing how much more sociable Liete is now that she's gotten out of Alent.
Anyway, let's go check up on the stoned people.

: Yes, I see.

: Therefore, we will beat this monster, and return the power to the Spirits!
It, uh... it's kinda obvious the localization and editing guys didn't think to come back here.
Not that I can blame them. There's an absolute shitload of text in this game.

: Don't worry. We absolutely must return things to what they were!

: Power of the Spirits? If that is taken back from Gaia, will they be turned back from stone?

: There is no one who can do that, but if the Spirits could be given power again, I would assume it is possible.

: Hey! Then it is not a lie!? This is great!
And that's that. More Zil Padon again next time!